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Natural Remedies for Gastroparesis to Get Quick Relief

Writer: Natural Care ProductsNatural Care Products

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

Natural Remedies for Gastroparesis

Delayed gastric emptying or Gastroparesis is a condition in which the food remains in the stomach for an extended time and causes stomach problems. It is a chronic disease, which results when the nerve muscles and the intestines do not work properly. The symptoms of gastroparesis include- vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, gas, heartburn, etc. The factors that lead to this ailment are – systemic sclerosis, stomach surgeries, viral infection, ulcer and tumors in the stomach, problems with adrenal glands, and intake of medications. There are several medications available in the market to treat gastroparesis, but they may cause side-effects. You can try the below given Natural Remedies for Gastroparesis to get quick relief.

Herbal Treatment for Gastroparesis
Herbal Treatment for Gastroparesis

Although natural remedies for gastroparesis can help you manage symptoms, it’s still very important that you seek out medical advice as complications from untreated gastroparesis include dehydration, malnutrition, fluctuating blood sugar, and can affect the overall quality of life.

Home Remedies for Gastroparesis

There is no cure for gastroparesis but it can be better managed with the help of natural home remedies for gastroparesis. You can incorporate the following natural remedies for gastroparesis to obtain relief from your gastroparesis.There are many ingredients in your kitchen you can use to cure gastroparesis. Here is a list of some of them:


Ginger is used to treating gastric problems like nausea, stomach pain, etc. for ages. It also escalates the process of emptying the stomach. You can drink ginger tea by mixing 1 tbsp of grated ginger to a cup of boiled water. Heat it for a couple of minutes and drink it twice a day, regularly.


Another easily available ingredient that helps treat the gastrointestinal problem is celery. Gastroparesis Herbal Treatment helps clean the impurities from the digestive tract and speeds up the process of digestion. Take 2 tbsp of celery seeds and add it to a glass of water. Put the mixture on flame and heat it for a couple of minutes. Turn off the heat and strain the mixture. Drink the resultant solution daily after the meals.


The main ingredient in turmeric is “curcumin”, which has numerous anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. You can include turmeric to your daily diet in several forms:

You can prepare a decoction by brewing 1/2 tbsp of turmeric powder in a glass of hot water. Add salt to it.

Alternatively, add turmeric to your hot milk. For this, heat a cup of milk and add 1/4–1/2 tbsp of turmeric to it. Add honey according to your taste and heat it for another couple of minutes. Strain and then drink it.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very essential for people suffering from gastroparesis and other digestive problems. You can include food rich in vitamin D, such as fortified milk, fish, egg yolks, cheese, etc., in your diet or step out in the sun every morning for 15- 20 minutes to get some natural vitamin D.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea helps soothe the lining of the stomach and is effective in treating gastroparesis. Drink a cup or two of this tea daily. Remember to prepare the tea in hot water, but not the boiling one, as that would evaporate the necessary ingredients of the tea.


Peppermint is rich in menthol and menthone. These two components are essential for relaxing the stomach. They also increase the production of bile juice that aids in proper digestion.


Yogurt is one of the best natural ingredients to treat stomach-related problems. It has beneficial microorganisms that help treat gastric problems and harmful bacteria, such as, H. pylori. It is rich in calcium, vitamin B-2, B-12, potassium, and magnesium. Low-fat or unsweetened yogurt is recommended to fix gastroparesis. You can consume 2-3 bowls of this yogurt daily for effective results.


Fenugreek reduces the pain caused by this disease and makes the digestion process easier. The beneficial content of the seeds gets mixed with the food and makes its movement smooth. Just swallow 1 tbsps of fenugreek seeds with a glass of water every day. Do this once a day for effective results.


Pineapple is one of the most renowned natural remedies for gastroparesis. It is rich in bromelain and papain, which helps ease the digestion process. You can consume fresh pineapple juice every day to get effectual results.


Lavender is used to treating digestion-related problems and reduces the pain caused by gastroparesis. It can be used in several ways:

Apply lavender oil on your stomach, as it has a calming and cooling effect.Or else, take some lavender flowers to prepare an herbal tea. Consume it daily.


Melissa, which is also known as lemon balm, is a calming herb. It belongs to the mint family and helps improve the appetite and digestion. Herbal Treatment for Gastroparesis also reduces stress and discomfort due to indigestion. For preparing this tea, steep ½ tbsp of dried lemon balm in hot water. Drink this tea 3-4 times a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps to alkalize the body, which helps with stomach pains, heartburn, and bloating along with improving digestion. One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water consumed 15 to 20 minutes prior to a meal is all you need. Avoid consuming apple cider vinegar undiluted as it can harm your teeth and be too acidic.

Diet Tips to Manage Gastroparesis

Here are some additional natural remedies for gastroparesis you can incorporate into your gastroparesis diet in order to improve your condition and reduce symptoms.

Eating smaller meals: Eating more frequent smaller meals ensures your stomach can fully empty along with alleviating bloating.

Chewing food properly: The more food is chewed, the easier it is to break down in the stomach, which makes it easier to digest. Take your time properly chewing food to aid in digestion.

Avoiding lying down during and after meals: When you lay down post-meal, you halt and slow down digestion because digestion needs gravity to work properly. Furthermore, lying down after a meal contributes to acid reflux.

Drinking liquids between meals: Avoid drinking fluid with meals as it takes up room in the stomach and can slow down digestion and trigger bloating. Instead, drink fluids in between meals to stay hydrated.

The natural remedies for gastroparesis works very well to manage the symptoms of gastroparesis, and also to treat the condition.“TRENICAL”is an effective herbal product for gastroparesis offered by Herbal Care Products. It also helps reduce the symptoms of gastroparesis.

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